We put together a media kit folder with all kinds of goodness for you to use.
Media Kit
Graphics and images for public dispersal can be found in this lovely Google Drive.
Press Releases
Press Coverage
Our favorite pieces that have been written about The Order.

Preparing for death is to enhance the life you’re living right now.
The Atlantic
Often people are afraid to bring death up at all, (but) celebrating and talking about it in an open dialogue can be healthy.
Dame Magazine
It’s about changing the way we perceive mortality, and cultivating a healthy relationship to it.
The Establishment
The roots of inequality, racism, and social marginalization are all grounded in our fear of death.
Marie Claire
Dude, there’s one thing that happens to all of us. We have to be able to talk about it.
The death positive movement includes vital work that fights back against cultural appropriation, systemic racism, anti-LGBTQ sentiments, and general fear and lack of preparation for a certain event.
The New Yorker
It’s an exciting time to be in death.
In The Thick Podcast
When we look at the roots of white supremacy…we see that this systemic racism pushes communities of color to face death more.
CBS Sunday Morning
Americans need to think more about end of life rituals, instead of keeping death at a distance.
So masterfully do we hide death, you would almost believe we are the first generation of immortals. But we are not. We are all going to die and we know it.
Ted Talk
Will changing the way we bury our dead solve climate change? No. But it will make bold moves in how we see ourselves as citizens of this planet. If we can die in a way that is more humble and self-aware, I believe that we stand a chance.
Your death matters. You can choose something that will reflect the values and beliefs that you held in your life, and translate them into your death. What you choose to do, is your final act, your final gesture on this earth. It does matter.
El Comercio
La muerte tiene la capacidad de informarnos cómo queremos vivir.
New York Times
Something I’m always trying to do is get you to hang out with dead bodies- specifically the dead bodies of people that you love
All of these ideals of beauty and conforming to society’s ideas of what that beauty is are also played out in the funeral home.
The core of the death positive movement is about improving the quality of all our lives.
If the family is involved with care for the dead body, it can completely transform how they feel about the death; they can feel empowered, they can feel connected and they can feel like they were there at the very end.
Unladylike Podcast
Through the good death lens, if the personal is political then determining what happens to our bodies when we die and how we’re memorialized is like the ultimate feminist act.