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Thank you for your interest in expanding legalization of Natural Organic Reduction (aka human composting) in the U.S.

Composting bills have been passed in twelve states including Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Maine, Colorado, Nevada, California, Arizona, Maryland, Delaware, Minnesota, and New York thanks to people like you!

Ways You Can Help

Support a Current Campaign

As bills progress through the legislative process you can make an impact by voicing your support of the bill through email and letters, at designated times. Get alerts about upcoming campaigns by following us @ordergooddeath on Bluesky, Facebook and Twitter, visiting our Calls to Action page, or by signing up for our newsletter.

Contact Your Representatives

Remember, your representatives can’t advocate for something they don’t know about! NOR is a new and still relatively unknown option for most people. Find your representatives, research their preferred method of contact (this could be email, phone, or even tagging them on social media). Let them know that you would like NOR as an option, what the benefits are, and why it is important to you.

Find Bill Sponsors

While an idea for a new law often comes from regular citizens like you, only a legislator such as a Senator or Assemblymember can submit the proposal for a new law, called a bill, so finding a representative who believes in NOR and will sponsor it is crucial. Setting up an in-person meeting with your Representatives will be the most effective way to advocate for your idea.

When you meet your representative introduce yourself as a constituent who lives in their district. Briefly outline what NOR is, what the benefits are, and why you want it as a choice. It’s a good idea to have written materials prepared that you can leave with them, including your contact info – this FAQ sheet is a good example of the kind of information you will want to include. Be sure to follow up with a hand written thank you letter.

Social Media Advocate

Share your enthusiasm for composting on your favorite social media platform by spreading the word, sharing facts and information. You can be prepared to answer common questions with the help of our FAQ guide. Download and share one of our free graphics, link to our resource page on human composting, or use one of these template posts:

Everyone deserves the right to choose death care that is meaningful for them. My choice is composting.

I want to be composted when I die because I want my final act to help, not harm the earth.    

I want to be composted because I care about people and the planet. 

Stories are also a helpful way to engage people, here’s some of our favorite articles and videos to help get conversations started and keep them going:

The Quest to Alter Our Last ‘Toxic” Act: Inside the Rise of Human Composting (LA Times)

Human Composting: The Rising Interest in Natural Burial (CBS Sunday Morning)

If You Want to Give Something Back to Nature, Give Your Body (NY Times)

‘My Brother Didn’t Want a Burial. He Chose to Put His Body to Good Use’ (Newsweek)

Sample Letter

Here is a short letter/email based on templates created in previous legislation efforts.

I am writing to express my support for the creation of a bill that would allow (your state here) residents with natural organic reduction, a safe and sustainable death care option that has recently been legalized in five states. This process would provide (your state’s) residents with a funeral option that offers significant savings in carbon emissions, water, and land usage over conventional burial or cremation.

Cremation requires fossil fuels and emits CO2 into the atmosphere, polluting our air and contributing to climate change. Conventional burials with a casket leach chemicals into the ground from the treated casket wood and embalming chemicals. One metric ton of carbon is prevented from being emitted into the atmosphere for every individual who chooses NOR over conventional burial or cremation.

Burial space across the United States is becoming limited, especially in more urban areas. This leads to the increased cost of death-care options for individuals and their families. As cemeteries begin to fill up and land is less available for burial plots, people are looking for more sustainable death care practices. The creation of a bill allowing natural organic reduction in (your state) would create additional options for death care practice that is more environmentally friendly and sustainable. (Your state) residents deserve the right to choose a death care option that is meaningful for them and their families. Natural organic reduction is my choice because ___________.

(your name, state, contact information)

Looking for more ways to get involved?

Together, we can create a more eco-friendly, meaningful, and equitable future of death!

Current Bills to Legalize Composting

    • Massachusetts Bill SD898 was introduced in January 2023 and includes aquamation. This Bill is now H4036 and in February 2024 the bill was given a study order.
    • MinnesotaSF3134 was introduced in the House of Representatives on March 6th 2023 and signed into law by the governor in May 2024. The new law will go into effect in July 2025.
    • Rhode IslandH6045 was introduced in March 2023 and moved go the House Operations Committee in May 2023. The bill was revised and reintroduced as Bill H 7212 in February 2024.
    • New Mexico – In February 2023 Bill SB407 was introduced. It is currently being reviewed by the Senate Taxation, Business, and Transportation Committee.
    • Maryland – On May 9th Maryland became the 9th state to legalize human composting, as the Governor signed The Green Death Care Act, which included aquamation.
    • IllinoisHB3158 currently has a dozen co-sponsors. It was filed on on February 16, 2023. In July 2023 the bill was passed on to the Senate Assignments Committee.
    • MaineBill LD536 was introduced in February 2023, and signed into law by the governor in June 2024.
    • Connecticut – In April 2024 a group within the Department of Public Health was tasked with studying  Bill HBO6485.
    • Delaware – In May 2024 the state became the 10th state to legalize human composting.
    • New Jersey – In February of 2023 Bill S3610 was introduced. A new version of the bill was introduced on March 18, 2024.
    • VirginiaBill HJ513 directs funeral directors and embalmers to study composting and make recommendations for establishing composting facilities.
    • ArizonaBill HB 2081 was introduced at the very end of 2023 and signed into law in April 2024, making it the 8th state to legalize composting.
    • Utah – Sen. Jen Plumb introduced Bill SB 102 in January 2024 to legalize human composting in the state.In January 2025 the bill was discussed in a Senate committee.
    • New Hampshire – In January 2024 state legislators introduced Bill HB 1324-FN in an effort to bring human composting to NH residents.
    • Oklahoma – Bill SB 1637 was introduced by Oklahoma lawmakers in February 2024.
    • Indiana – In January 2025 the state introduced Bill HB 1609
    • Missouri – A Bill legalizing both human composting and aquamation was introduced in February 2024.
    • Georgia – The Peach State introduced their composting bill, SB 241 in February 2025. The bill passed the full Senate 51-1 the first week in March.